Formal occasions for women are often difficult to navigate and you may find that you struggle to come up with the perfect get up for the occasion. This is particularly true for women who have a lot more option open to them and who can select from countless different outfits any of which might be perfectly suited to the situation or sorely out of place. Here we will look at how to choose an outfit for the occasion that will suit most situations.

There are several different dress codes that can come with an invitation to an event and these include smart, black tie, smart-casual, casual and cocktail among others. For smart or smart casual then looking for
formal dresses online can be a great move. Here you want to look for something fitted but understated that will feel smart but without looking like you're going to work. The fact that it's a dress means that immediately you will look smart and like you've made an effort, and the selection of formal dresses online means that you can always find something to suit.
When you look at the formal dresses online you might find that there are references to the kind of event you are going to. For instance if it's a cocktail party then you can get a cocktail dress, while an evening dress may be more suited to an even occasion. You can also get
new year party dresses online, and these will be more suited to parties such as hen parties or showers.

While the exact dress you choose when looking at formal dresses online will vary, you can nevertheless assume some basic rules much of the time. For instance most events require either black or dark dresses and generally 'winter' colors. This means blue, black or a dark red. These are understated and so not ostentatious or attention grabbing. Very bright floral patterns etc might be more suited to
new year dresses. In terms of length then going just above or just below the knee is suitable for most occasions. The time of day however will also impact on your choice, and more floral patterns and brighter colors are more suited to day time events.

If you are unsure of the dress code and which
coast dresses would be suitable then you should consider asking. It's no faux pas to call up the host of the event and to ask them what a suitable dress code would be in fact you will likely find they're touched by the thought behind the gesture and pleased at the effort you're going to. Alternatively asking friends what they will be wearing can help, and if they shop for formal dresses online they can send you the link. This way you can at least have company and won't be alone in your interpretation of the dress code.

Another good strategy to use is to take a cardigan or two and you can then wear this closed or open over the dress. This can help you to immediately downplay the smartness of your dress, or you can remove it for a more glamorous look.
Finally you should think about accessories and makeup, and if you try to create a matching ensemble that is a coordinated 'outfit' rather than just a collection of items then you will capitalize on your dress. Think lipstick, handbag, shoes, belts, cardigans, pashminas, jewelery and how they all interact.